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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Great combination of school and gaming!

Here is a video project that a student did for a Canterbury Tales unit using World of Warcraft.

I found it on, a site dedicated to gaming videos.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

#14 Week 6

Discovery Exercise:

1. Take a look at Technorati and try doing a keyword search for “School Library Learning 2.0” in Blog posts, in tags and in the Blog Directory. Are the results different?
Yes the results were different.
Blog posts:

tags:(congratulations Mimi!)

from blog directory:

2. Explore popular blog, searches and tags. Is anything interesting or surprising in your results?

I found the blog directory search to be the most useful.

3. Create a blog post about your discoveries on this site.

Yep doin' it now. I decided to just post the questions straight into the blog. If anyone is reading tell me what you think of this format.

4. Now that we’ve worked with tags in Flickr,, and Technorati, what are your thoughts about tagging? What are its advantages? What are its disadvantages?

I think tagging is a great idea. It is the very beginning of cataloging the content of the internet, but it is only the most rudimentary step of cataloging. The more we are able to make meaningful connections between pieces of data the more we will be creating knowledge online.

OPTIONAL: If you're up for a challenge, learn how to tag your posts with Technorati tags so they can become part of Technorati tag searches. Create a post about something. It can be anything you want and add the HTML code to the bottom to tag it as “SJLibrary2.0.” You may also want to consider claiming your blog and creating a watchlist.

NOTE: When adding HTML code, you'll want to make sure you're in Blogger's Edit HTML window. There's a lot to explore.

Discovery Resources:

1. Technorati Tour – videocast of new features & new look
2. Technorati Discover & Popular features

done and done.